Vpopulus Wikia

Users register and interact with the game universe as citizens in vPopulus. Citizens can own newspapers, organisations and companies, participate in politics and fight in wars.


Citizens have numerous attributes that change as they work, train and otherwise interact with the game.

Military attributes[]

see also: Damage Formula

Citizens have 2 variable military attributes:

  • Strength, improved by training daily
  • Rank, improved by fighting

These two attributes, combined with your wellness and what quality of weapon you are using, dictate how much damage you inflict in battle.

Economic skills[]

see also: Economy

Citizens have 3 variable economic skills:

  • Manufacturing Manufacture
  • Land Land
  • Construction Construction

These skills are improved by working at a company that produces goods in one of those categories.


main: Wellness


Experience represents your overall progress and knowledge in the game. To advance to another level you must collect experience points. Better levels will unlock you certain features in the game and help you to earn money.

There are three ways to get experience points:

  • Work +1 exp (once per day)
  • Train +1 exp (once per day)
  • Fight +1 exp (per hit)


At certain XP threshold, citizens progress to the next experience level.

Level Feature unlocked EXP required Gold received
1 - 1 -
2 Fight 3 -
3 - 8 -
4 Create Newspaper 15 -
5 Join Army

Join Party


25 5 GoldWhite
6 Manage Organisation 40 -
7 Create Organisation

Start Resistance War

60 -
8 Candidate for Party President 90 -
9 Candidate for Congress member 130 -
10 Candidate for Country President 180 5 GoldWhite
11 Create Army

Create Party

250 -
12 - 345 -
13 - 470 -
14 - 645 -
15 - 870 5 GoldWhite
16 - 1180 -
17 - 1590 -
18 - 2120 -
19 - 2845 -
20 - 3780 5 GoldWhite
21 - 5030 -
22 - 6700 -
23 - 8890 -
24 - 11790 -
25 - 15625 5 GoldWhite


see also:Products

By default, citizens have 25 slots of inventory space, in which to store products bought on the market or donated to them.

At 00:01 each day, one item of food is automatically consumed from this inventory, if it exists. If there is no food, you will lose 5 wellness


Medals are automatically awarded to citizens for achieving certain goals in the game. Receiving a medal is accompanied by a donation of 5 GoldWhite gold. There are currently 9 achievable medals in vPopulus, and a further 3 un-announced and locked medals.

Hard Worker

Hard Worker[]

Work 30 days in a row.

Super Soldier

Super Soldier[]

Advance 5 strength points.

Media Mogul

Media Mogul[]

Medals at 250, 500, 1000, 2000,
x2 previous subscribers for previous medal.



Win the Congress election.

Country President

Country President[]

Win the presidental elections.

Battle Hero

Battle Hero[]

Make the highest damage in battle, on your side.

War Hero

War Hero[]

Make the highest damage in whole war.

Society Builder

Society Builder[]

Invite 10 players to vPopulus and help them reach level 6.

Resistance Hero

Resistance Hero[]

Start resistance war and liberate that region.
